Dear FSI-GHSU members,
FSI-GHSU Teri shim (Vice general director) and Seungah Lee (FSI-GHSU Ambassador) have organized an Acapella Fundraising event!
If you join, you can earn points! We uploaded this event to the FSI-GHSU App as well!
Sign-up form link:
Time: September 28th Wednesday, 6:30~7:30pm at Cafe Unplugged Sinchon.
Address: 카페 언플러그드 신촌점 (Unplugged Sinchon)
Seoul, Seodaemun-gu, Sinchon-dong, Yonsei-ro, 13 Sinchon Store U-PLEX 11F
서울 서대문구 신촌동 연세로 13 현대백화점 유플렉스 11층
Ticket Fee: 15,000 won (payment at the door)
Theme: City of Hope
Thank you!
