SFS Serve2Serve! On April 19th 2021, the SFS TNKR club executive team worked with Serve2Serve to plan a service day at Seoul Foreign School. Serve2Serve is a Service Day event at SFS where all high school students engage in a day of service through a service club. This day was a self-initiated project planned and organized by the SFS TNKR club executives in order to provide SFS students with an opportunity to engage in service activities for FSI. Around 50 participating students engaged in webinar creating activities, where students formed small groups, each focusing on a simple English lesson to teach North Korean defectors. A series of lessons were created, consisting of lessons such as “Common Spelling Mistakes”, “Travel Lingo”, and “Idioms”. The students also created several paper cranes and hearts using origami as a gift for the FSI organization and a symbol of ‘one’s wish coming true’.
- Written by SFS TNKR 20-21 Executives (Jiah Choe, Ashley Koo, Jamie Lee, Yejin Kong)
